conomic emulsion paint formulated for interior walls, which is easy to apply by using brush, roller, and spray gun.
Raja Cat Emulsion Paint
mulsion paint formulated for interior walls, can be applied by using various painting tools such as brush, roller, and spray guns.
Mawar Emulsion Paint
mulsion paint formulated for interior wall painting, such as cement, asbestos, plywood, etc.
mulsion paint specially formulated for interior walls that can be applied by using brush, roller, and spray gun.
Taka Florance
aka florance is emulsion paint formulated for interior wall surfaces. With Dazzling Effect Formula, it provides thousands dazzling colors of your choice.
Taka Imprezza
premium grade emulsion paint specially formulated for interior painting. With Nanoskin Technology it provides smoother, easy to clean, and longer-lasting finish to your wall.